Majlis Sumbangan Kebajikan Bulan Ramadan jointly organized by USM & Malvest Group was held on 4 April 2024 at USM Health Campus, Kubang Kerian.

Majlis Sumbangan Kebajikan Bulan Ramadan jointly organized by USM & Malvest Group was held on 4-4-2024 at USM Health Campus, Kubang Kerian. 100 asnaf & B40 families received food basket and cash aid while 200 Hospital USM patients and 300 students received food box in conjunction to bulan Ramadan. The objective of this CSR event is to care for the needy while at the same time to celebrate the upcoming Hari Raya together. Director of USM Health Campus Prof Dr Shaiful Bahari Ismail and Malvest Group Managing Director Mr Tan Kian Boon handed over the donations to the recipients. On the same occasion, Director of Hospital USM Prof. Dato’ Dr. Nik Hisamuddin Nik Ab. Rah